Friday, October 29, 2004

@ 2004-10-29 16:23:00

Little Man's in at KidsAbility
The assessement is 1.5 hrs a wk for 3 wks.

Our first day is Thursday Nov 11th from 9 - 10:30 a.m. and, of course that's Remembrance Day and my sister C.'s 42nd bday

Friday, October 15, 2004

@ 2004-10-15 09:47:00

Hearing test @ Freeport with Bette Jean Martin on Nov 8th @ 9 a.m. 749-4300 ext 7403

KidsAbility centre for Child Development... Peggy Helwig was who I met yesterday...

We are on a waiting list for a Complex Development Team Assessment The team will be comprised of a social worker, a speech-language pathologist & communicative disorders assistant an occupational therapist & therapy aide and a psychologist & psychometrist.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

@ 2004-10-14 14:21:00

Current mood: I dunno...
Current music: Chicken Dance Elmo

Little Man's results
So I had him at KidsAbility today and he was very well-behaved and the skivvy is:

1. I have to get our family DR to get me a referral to a pedatrician (sp?)

2. They think he has more than just a speech-devlopment issue

3. Little Man has to have a full hearing test (Nov 8th)

4. We're on a waiting list for a program through KidsAbility that might be able to take us on in Jan

5. They want to rule out autism, though it is a possibility

6. His issues may just be indicative of a learning disability and/or hearing probs

Thursday, October 7, 2004

@ 2004-10-07 12:06:00

Current mood: uncomfortable
Current music: DOOL on TV

Could Little Man's freakouts be night terrors?
I've bolded what he does...

The following are signs that a child may have some type of sleep disorder, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

* The child sleeps in an abnormal position, with the head off the bed or propped up with many pillows.

* Snores loudly and often.

* Stops breathing during the night for a short period, followed by snorting, gasping or completely waking up.

* Sweats heavily during sleep.

* Has behavioral problems at school or home.

* Sleeps restlessly.

* Is difficult to wake up, even when it seems the child has had enough sleep.

* Has headaches during day, particularly in the morning.

* Is irritable, aggressive or cranky.

* Falls asleep or daydreams in school or home.