Thursday, October 7, 2004

@ 2004-10-07 12:06:00

Current mood: uncomfortable
Current music: DOOL on TV

Could Little Man's freakouts be night terrors?
I've bolded what he does...

The following are signs that a child may have some type of sleep disorder, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

* The child sleeps in an abnormal position, with the head off the bed or propped up with many pillows.

* Snores loudly and often.

* Stops breathing during the night for a short period, followed by snorting, gasping or completely waking up.

* Sweats heavily during sleep.

* Has behavioral problems at school or home.

* Sleeps restlessly.

* Is difficult to wake up, even when it seems the child has had enough sleep.

* Has headaches during day, particularly in the morning.

* Is irritable, aggressive or cranky.

* Falls asleep or daydreams in school or home.

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