Sunday, January 17, 2010

Little Man attempts washing his hair in the tub

So on Friday when Little Man was in the tub, I had a thought.

I can't recall if I've previously mentioned that he has sensory issues with water on his head and face or not, but it's always been an issue. When he was younger, he reacted to it anywhere on his body but as he's gotten a bit older, the longest hold-out has been his face and his head.

Earlier in the summer, I was able to get him to put his face in the water in a friend's pool and to get his hair wet (very reluctantly).

Whereas bathing was still an issue. He *HATES* the shower, even on it's lowest setting and with him able to direct the nozzle where he wants to. Even if it's just washing his own body.

Anyway, I suggested that he try washing his hair in the tub, since he doesn't like it when we do it.

He did it... not the world's best job, but he did it. Though he wanted me beside him because he was "scared" and I had to squeeze the shampoo into his hand.

Little Man did need help with rinsing -- but, all in all, I am VERY proud of him :>

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! Maybe by putting the control or power in his hands he feels slightly more comfortable! Way to go :)
