Sunday, January 11, 2009

The psychology of dating... when you are 6.

The other night, Little Man and I were talking and he told me that Nanners was his girlfriend.

me: "How did she become your girlfriend?"

LM: "I don't know."

me: "Well, how did it happen?"

LM (annoyed): "She just told me she was!"

The follow-up to this was yesterday when we were over at H's and I brought the topic up.

Nanners was asked about it by her Mom and apparently it was a student-teacher at their school who told Nanners that since she and Little Man play together so often that he must be her boyfriend.

Later they came downstairs while playing hide-n-go-seek and H asked: "Are you two getting married?"

To which Nanners disdainfully replied, "No, we're just playing hide-n-go-seek."

And an aggrieved eye roll was implied by her tone.

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