Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My appt today

DR had a bit of a tough time finding the baby's heartbeat but he did and it was 130 (just like last time).

My blood pressure was 120 over 80.

I asked about my placenta placement and it is posterior, behind the uterus.

And I have paperwork to give to my OBGYN on the 9th...

From my first u/s (for dating purposes) of Sept 28, 2009 -- it says:

crown-rump length of 5.8 cm
Biparietal diameter of 1.8 cm
head circumference of 7.3 cm
abdominal circumference of 6.5 cm

The average of these measurements is about a 13 wk size.

fetal heart rate - 165 bpm

cervical canal is closed & both maternal ovaries were outlined and look normal. No free fluid is present.

From my 2nd u/s of Nov 5, 2009 -- it says:

There is a single, live intrauterine gestation with cephalic presentation.

Biparietal diameter: 4.1 cm = 18 wks, 4 days

head circumference: 14.8 cm = 18 wks, 0 days

abdominal circumference: 15.0 cm = 20 wks, 2 days

femur length: 2.6 cm = 18 wks, 0 days

The average of these measurements is 18 wks, 5 days. Therefore size = dates according to the last u/s.

Visualization is somewhat limited but there is no obvious fetal anomaly. The placenta is posterior & clear of the internal os. The cervix measures 4.6 cm.

The amniotic fluid volume is within normal limits.

fetal heart rate - 145 bpm

The est. gestational age based on size is 18 wks, 5 days.

For my quad screening blood work:

Screening result: screen negative
risk of Down`s: 1 in 19,000 (at term)
risk of NTD: 1 in 2,300
comment: Down`s risk due to maternal age alone is 1 in 200

Open spina bifida: maternal serum AFP is NOT elevated for a pregnancy of this gestational age

Down syndrome: the risk of Down`s syndrome is below the screening cut-off (1 in 200). No follow up is recommended.

Also, according to the paperwork re: last 3 appts

_____ G.Age___Weight______B.P.___Urine prot.__SFH___ Fetal HR
Oct 2/09_13_____119.8 kg___130/80_____1+ _______13______ --
Oct 28/09 _17 ___ 127.5 kg___140/90______0 _______17 _____ 130
Nov 25/09 _21 ____123.5 kg _ 120/80_____1+ _______20 _____ 130

Found a website about 2nd & 3rd trimester u/s -- though they use mm not cm on their chart... still an interesting read though.

1 comment:

  1. OK so those weights are in kg...

    In lbs (ACK!!!)

    119.8 kg = 264 lbs
    127.5 kg = 281 lbs
    123.5 kg = 272 lbs
